How Many Classes Should You Take
A key factor in student success is enrolling in the number of classes that you can successfully complete while still allowing time needed for work, child and/or family responsibilities, hobbies and community involvement, or simply time for self-care. The time needed to be successful in college classes goes beyond the amount of time spent in class. In fact, students should be spending 2-3 times as much time on their studies outside of class as they do in class. Use the guide below to help you determine the correct number of classes you should take.
Part-time vs. Full-time
- Part time status is less than 12 credit (on average, two or three courses)
- Full time status is 12 or more credits (on average, four or five courses)
Total Hours Per Week at Work | Recommended Number of Classes Per Semester | Estimated Study Time in Hours |
40 | 1-2 | 9-18 |
30 | 2-3 | 18-27 |
20 | 3-4 | 27-36 |
0-10 | 4-5 | 36-45 |
Part of Term (15-, 10-, 7- and 4-week Classes)
Classes begin at different times during a semester. You can register for courses that are 15, 10, 7 or 4 weeks long.
15-weeks is the most common fall and spring semester length however; a limited number of 15-week summer courses are also available.
10-weeks is a compressed semester, you will have to master course content at an accelerated rate. Like 15-week courses, this length is mostly found during the fall and spring semesters, but a limited number of 10-week courses may be available in the summer.
7-weeks is the typical length of summer courses. The summer semester is broken into 2 sessions: Early summer which is the first 7-week of the summer (7A) and Late summer, the second 7-weeks of the summer (7N). You will find a small number of 7A and 7N classes during Fall and Spring semester.
4-week classes are offered during the Winter term only (Dec. to Jan.).
See this guide for part of term start and end dates.