Appendix A. Community College of Philadelphia Infectious Agent and Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Policy for the MLT and Phlebotomy Programs
Community College of Philadelphia Infectious Agent and Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Policy for the MLT and Phlebotomy Programs
B1. Community College of Philadelphia MLT and Phlebotomy Programs Pregnancy Release Form and Documentation of Pregnancy
B2. Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Incidence Report
To be completed by students who have been exposed to bloodborne pathogens during clincial education.
Appendix B. MEMORANDUM: Making a Complaint (Student Complaint Form)
TO: Students in Allied Health Programs/Courses
FROM: Deborah Rossi
Department Head, Allied Health
The purpose of this memo is to provide the process for handling a concern or complaint in a course you are currently taking or have taken. The recommended steps are as follows:
- Inform your instructor immediately about any concern or problem you are having in the course. It is important not to wait to address a concern.
- You must make an appointment to meet with the instructor to discuss your concern. Addressing a problem during classroom instruction is not appropriate or acceptable.
- If after meeting with your instructor, you have not been able to resolve the issue with him/her, you may use the student complaint form.
- You must complete the form in its entirety, providing all the requested information.
- Upon completion of the form, submit it to me. Upon receiving the form, I will contact you to acknowledge its receipt. I will then make arrangements with you to meet with you and discuss the addressed complaint. Documentation to support the concern/complaint will be requested.
- Following our meeting, I will contact the faculty member and discuss the area(s) of concern with him/her. I will request documentation from the instructor to try to determine whether or not the issue can be resolved with the information that has been made available to me.
- If it appears that a meeting between the student, faculty member and department head is in the best interest to resolve the issue, a meeting will be arranged (within 10 days) to discuss the concerns.
- Following the meeting, the student and faculty member will receive a letter from the department head, which identifies the outcome of her findings and expected resolutions, if any.
- In the event that a student is in a select allied health program, the program director will be required to meet with the student prior to the department head meeting with the student.
Student Complaint Form
Appendix C. Grading Policy and Evaluation forms
Practicum Grading Policy
Clinical Paperwork Instructions for the Clinical Site
Phlebotomy Clnical Practice Orientation Form
Phlebotomy Program Student's Attendance Record
Phlebotomy Program Venipuncture Sheet
Phlebotomy Clinical Evaluation Form
Phlebotomy Rotation Skill Checklist
Appendix D. MLT and Phlebotomy Health Clearance Form
MLT and Phlebotomy Health Clearance Form
Appendix E. Mandatory Forms
Uniform Policy 2024
Pregnancy Policy
Phlebotomy Essential Requirements
Performance Standards for Allied Health Programs
Handbook Agreement Form
Attachment A. ASCP Exam Content Guide
Reading list:
ASCP U.S. Procedures for Examination & Certification