I’m going to graduate next semester in May. I’ve already signed up for the Dual Admissions program for Temple University. I’ll major in African Studies. To be honest with you, the study abroad trip at the College [to Tanzania] geared me towards that. I have a love of various different things, but I was more focused on African-American studies because that’s what I know. Also, it [trip to Tanzania] didn’t just push me into more about African studies, but it made me want to know more about my family history—Haiti. I know about the Haiti Revolution and the uprising, but it’s like the little things. I just have a timeline of events from my parent’s place of origin. It opened me up to so many levels.
Editor’s Note: Maxim is currently a History major here at the College. He plans to attend Temple University next year as an African Studies major. He coins himself as an advocate for the Study Abroad program at Community College of Philadelphia, and encourages everyone to get their passport!