My path to Community College of Philadelphia and becoming a nurse has been 20 years in the making. In 1993, I originally applied to the College but life has its own desires for you. So fast forward to 20 years later, my middle son is graduating from Community College of Philadelphia and I decided I’m coming back. So I’ve graduated two sons out of here already—he graduated in May. In June, I was enrolled, September I was in class and the following September I was in the Nursing program. West Chester is next, and hopefully I’ll have three degrees in three years. That’s the goal. I got a degree last year. I’ll get this one, this year. In 2018, I plan to have my Bachelor’s degree and with that, I’ll relocate to Nevada!
Editor's Update: Renee graduated from the College in May 2017 and is now working at Abington Hospital as a nurse.