Complaint Resolution Process

The Complaint Resolution process is established to fulfill the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as amended in 2008, and Rehabilitation Act of 1973.  The procedures set forth are intended to provide for impartial and timely resolution of student allegations of disability-related discrimination in the provision of services, programs and activities at the College.

These guidelines are set forth as a process for students who believe they have been denied equitable access with regard to accommodations, academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, or information and communication technology, or that they have been the recipient of harassment or discrimination based on disability.  

Although we encourage students to use these guidelines in proceeding with a complaint allegation, they are not mandatory, and students may begin the process at any of the steps proposed below.  Additionally, the law does not require students to file complaints with the College before filing a complaint externally with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) of the US Department of Education.  However, the College and OCR encourage students to consider taking advantage of the internal resolution process before filing complaints with OCR.

It is important to note that retaliation against any person who files a complaint, or any person who participates in a related proceeding, is strictly prohibited.

Internal Complaint Procedures

Complaints Regarding the Provision of Accommodations and Services

When students allege complaints specifically related to the accommodations and services approved by or provided by the Center on Disability, we recommend that students take the following steps:

If a student has concerns about the accommodations approved by the Center on Disability, or the student is alleging a complaint about how the accommodations are being implemented, the student is encouraged to address the complaint directly to the staff person who developed the accommodations.
If the student and the staff person are unable to resolve the student’s complaint, the student should address the continuing complaint with the Director of the Center on Disability within 15 working days from the date of the alleged incident. 

  1. If a student has concerns about the accommodations approved by the Center on Disability, or the student is alleging a complaint about how the accommodations are being implemented, the student is encouraged to address the complaint directly to the staff person who developed the accommodations.
  2. If the student and the staff person are unable to resolve the student’s complaint, the student should address the continuing complaint with the Director of the Center on Disability within 15 working days from the date of the alleged incident.

    -  This complaint should be submitted in writing and contain the name, student identification number, and current contact information of the student, along with a brief description of the situation and concern.

  3. The Director will conduct an informal investigation and will offer all interested parties an opportunity to submit evidence, including witness statements, relevant to the alleged complaint.  
  4. The Director will provide a written determination about the findings of the informal investigation and a description of the appropriate corrective action, if any, to the student filing the complaint within 15 working days of the filing, unless the circumstances of the investigation necessitate additional time.
  5. If the student believes that the Director of the Center on Disability has not satisfactorily resolved the alleged complaint, the student may appeal the decision within 15 working days after receipt of the Director’s response to the Associate Dean for Student Success and Engagement.
  6. If the alleged complaint is against the Director of the Center on Disability, the student alleging the complaint should follow the above procedures, except the initial written complaint should be submitted to the Associate Dean for Student Success and Engagement
    a. The Associate Dean will conduct an informal investigation and will offer all interested parties an opportunity to submit evidence, including witness statements, relevant to the alleged complaint.
    b. The Associate Dean will provide a written determination about the findings of the informal investigation and a description of the appropriate corrective action, if any, to the student filing the complaint within 15 working days of the filing, unless circumstances of the investigation necessitate additional time.
  7. If the student believes the preceding steps have not resolved the alleged complaint satisfactorily, the student may appeal the outcome of the complaint resolution process to the Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion  within 15 working days of the written outcome of the Director and/or Associate Dean’s investigation.
  8. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will follow its procedures for investigating and responding to complaints in reviewing the matter, and will inform all parties about the outcome of the investigation.

Center on Disability

Bonnell Building, BG-39
1700 Spring Garden St
Philadelphia, PA   19130
215-751-8050 (voice)
215-972-6312 (fax)

Student Success and Engagement

Mint Building, L1-09
1700 Spring Garden St
Philadelphia, PA   19130
215-751- 8551 (voice)
215-751-8762 (fax)

Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Mint Building, M2-7
1700 Spring Garden St
Philadelphia, PA   19130
215-751-8039 (voice)
215-751-6295 (fax)

Allegations of Discrimination or Harassment 

Any student who believes s/he has been subjected to discrimination or harassment based on disability is encouraged to follow the processes outlined in the College’s Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Policy, Memorandum No. 357.

External Complaint Process

  1. If the student believes the response by Diversity, Equity and Inclusion does not satisfactorily resolve the alleged complaint, the student may appeal the decision to the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) following their policies and procedures.
  2. If the student does not wish to take advantage of the internal complaint resolution process, s/he may file a complaint directly with OCR against the College by following the policies and procedures outlined on their website.