Part of Term

CCP offers courses in a variety of lengths including 15, 10, 7 and 4 weeks.

15-weeks is the typical length of a semester.  This is the most common Fall and Spring length however; you may find a small list of 15-week summer courses.

10-weeks is a compressed semester, you will have to master course content at an accelerated rate.  Like 15-week courses this length is mostly found in the Fall and Spring however, there may be a small list of summer courses.

7-weeks is the typical length of summer courses.  The summer semester is broken into 2 sessions: Early summer which is the first 7-week of the summer (7A) and Late summer, the second 7-weeks of the summer (7B).  You will find a small number of 7A and 7B classes during Fall and Spring semester.

4-week classes are offered during the Winter term only (Dec. to Jan.).

For Part of Term start and end dates please follow this link: