March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

Introducing the College's Guided Pathways Website

guided pathways on internal site

Guided pathways on

The Division of Academic and Student Success is pleased to announce the expansion of its website to include more information on Guided Pathways. As the College continues its progress with implementing Guided Pathways, it is important that information on the work being done is available to faculty, staff, administrators, students, and the community. The link is available at the divisions website and also on the landing page for faculty and staff in MyCCP under All About Guided Pathways:

The Guided Pathways website encompasses all components of the Pathways reform: Academic Pathways and Programs (with links to program course sequence grids); the Intake Process; Academic Advising and Student Success; Developmental Education; and Leveraging Technology. There is also a link to information about the Guided Pathways Core Team and another to numerous resources. 

The support and hard work of the entire College community are necessary to these efforts. Please visit the Guided Pathways website often, as it will be updated with news and developments regarding the continued work of the College to increase student success via the Guided Pathways initiative.