1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Location: BR-73

Building the Fundraising Bridge: Raising Funds Together for Your Programs

Presenter: Steve Bacher, Leslie Bluestone, Jared Reed, Samantha Hart Shepherd, Lynanne Schaeffer, Dr. Mellissia Zanjani
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Administrators
In Person: BR-73

Learning Goals
Participants will learn:

  • How participants can partner with Institutional Advancement to raise funds for student success and college initiatives.
  • The process that Institutional Advancement uses to fundraise for programs, including an overview of the gift and grant application.
  • What can Institutional Advancement, the Foundation, and the College fundraise for?
  • How can the College and Foundation leverage alumni support to enhance student success?

Seminar Description
Enjoy tea, cookies, and special swag while getting the information you need to partner with Institutional Advancement to raise funds for programs that support student success.

Who is this for: All faculty and staff who would like to learn more about how to raise money for our students. If you have an idea for funding, have a business or individual partner and need to know the next steps to get their support, need assistance on a grant, or want to know areas funders are interested in this session is for you.  Plus, you get cookies!