3:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Location: Virtual

MSCHE Guiding Principles Sessions: GP 5 – Innovation as an Essential Part of Continuous Improvement: Game-Based Learning: Incorporating Card and Dexterity Games to Connect to Your Students

PresentersNick Molnar
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Administrators
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID:  956 0648 2331

Learning Goals
Participants will:

  • Learn how to use the card game "What's Your Game Plan" to create a group assignment that will make students think deeply about your material, whatever your discipline.   
  • How to use "Five Fingers" as an icebreaker and team-building exercise.    

Seminar Description

Want to play games during PD Week? This is your seminar! During the session, we will play "What's Your Game Plan," a card game developed by a fellow community college professor, to show you game design can be used to encourage thinking about your material, whatever the discipline. A dexterity game, "Five Fingers," will also be played as a very fun ice-breaker with a larger point: that even a game with the simplest rules requires clarification, thinking, and practice, necessary for any learning to take place. These are the types of activities that can help connect students with one another and their learning and promote improved student outcomes.