What the Actual AEFIS?: Get HIP to the CSP and ALP Assessment Plan

Presenters: Madeline Marcotte Rolston, Jason Esters, Kathleen Murphey 
Audience: Faculty  

Learning Goals 

Participants will: 

  • Identify key the concepts of a standards-based curriculum and backward design. 
  • Analyze and assess oneʼs own experience with CLOs and assessment by learning about the experiences of others. 
  • Apply session concepts to corequisite course assessment in Fall 2023. 

Seminar Description 

If you are teaching in one of our English corequisite support programs, then you have most likely been prompted to do course assessment and “link to AEFIS.” And, equally likely, you have probably wondered quite a bit about why and to what end. The questions bloom above: How is this helping students? What is peer norming if I don’t know what my peers are doing? What do the AEFIS numbers actually mean???? 

In this session, faculty teaching in CSP and/or ALP will discuss the rubrics that we use for course learning outcomes assessment in each of our co-requisite support classes, English 097 and English 098. Applying a jigsaw strategy, we will analyze the big ideas embedded in each CLO, share various ways of instantiating them, and devise thresholds for “mastery,” “proficiency,” etc. We will also walk through how to import the rubric from the DE Canvas Group as well as how to link it to AEFIS. The session will be recorded for CSP/ALP faculty who cannot attend, so everyone can engage in the same assessment process for these critical programs.