3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Location: Virtual

Learning to Learn

Presented by: Mamadou Kane
Audience: Faculty, Administrators
Virtual: Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 689 768 9704 One tap mobile +13092053325,,6897689704# US +13126266799,,6897689704# US (Chicago)
Main target: Instructors in Math Science Health Career Division, Learning Lab, English Department, FCTL and CME, CATTO, CCP-IRB, COD. 

Learning Goals
Participants will:

Reflect and develop ways to share with their own students on how they learn and be successful in introductory mathematics courses.

Seminar Description
Mathematics instructors were successful students in mathematics courses to the point they became professors! How did they learn? How can instructors share their skills with students in the best possible way without turning off students? This is an instructor-centered seminary without outside experts telling instructors how to teach. ALL subjects matter instructors (English, Accounting, Chemistry, Music, Culinary Arts, Computer Science ...) are very welcomed to attend.