Gunter Pfau Accessibility and Inclusion Project

Presented by: Massah Nuni, Faye Allard, Wendy Kohler
Audience: Faculty, Administrators
VirtualZoom | Meeting ID: 958 4196 0162 | Passcode: 301485

Learning Goals
Participants will:
• Examine research findings relevant to the experiences of students with disabilities who attend the Community College of Philadelphia.
• Explain the Gunter Pfau Accessibility and Inclusion Project and ways to engage during the 2023- 2024 school term.

Seminar Description
The Center on Disability and Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning have worked collaboratively to enhance the accessibility of their programs and services to improve student outcomes. To that end, the presenters will review survey and focus group data that outlines the experiences of students with disabilities who attend the Community College of Philadelphia. The presenters will provide an overview of the Gunter Pfau Accessibility and Inclusion Project and discuss ways faculty and staff can improve the experiences of students with disabilities. Ultimately, the presentation will outline the need for the Accessibility and Inclusion Project at the college as we strive to support the DEI 6th Pillar of the Strategic Plan.