3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Location: B1-08

PA's Act 158: CCP's Contributions to the State's Mandate

Presented by: Dr. April Voltz, Megan Barbano-Maxwell, Sarah Hill
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Administrators
In-Person: Bonnell, B1-08

Learning Goals
Participants will:

Faculty and staff will be apprised of the State's graduation requirements beginning with the graduating class of 2023, the District's mandate to students and families, and CCP's offerings that support statewide high school graduation requirements. 

Seminar Description
CCP offers a variety of ways for high school students to satisfy State and District high school graduation requirements. This workshop will fully illustrate our robust offerings that provide high school students with options to demonstrate postsecondary readiness, which include admission to CCP, course credit, career and pre-apprenticeship certificates, and proficiency assessments. CCP levels the playing field by providing an extended equity pipeline for degree attainment and career fulfillment.