Employee Alumni Luncheon

Presented byLouisa Kopp
Audience: Alumni Employees-By
Invitation Only In-person: Winnet, Great Hall S2-19

Learning Goals
The purpose of the employee alumni luncheon is to have the opportunity to recognize current employees who are CCP alumni and give them time to come together and engage with each other. During the luncheon, speakers will give an update on the Community College of Philadelphia Foundation and the CCP Alumni Association and share information about alumni programs and how alumni employees can be involved. 

Seminar Description
The luncheon will include lunch provided for free by the Alumni Association. Speakers will share information about alumni programs and how alumni employees can be involved. Dr. Generals or Dr. Ellyn Jo Waller will provide remarks on behalf of the College and Foundation. In addition to the speakers, we will have a game or activity to make the luncheon interactive and allow employee alumni to get to know each other.