3:00 PM to 4:00 PM

What Will HyFlex Look Like at CCP?

Presenters: Melissa Altman-Traub, Carla Perry, Dr. Clark Loveridge

Audience: Faculty, Staff, Administrators

Join Zoom Meeting: https://ccp.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUqdOGhqzkuGtQ082T_88EZKvkwxv6BhXth

Learning Goals

Participants will:

  • Compare HyFlex courses to hybrid and other modalities
  • Explain the values of HyFlex learning: learner choice, equivalency, reusability, and accessibility

Seminar Description

Learn from members of the 2023 HyFlex pilot group about how HyFLex teaching will work specifically for Math 161, Biology 109, and Nutrition 111 this spring. Learner choice has the potential to improve student retention by removing the barrier of in-person or synchronous attendance, which can be helpful for the many challenges encountered by our students. This flexible teaching method was developed before the pandemic and has been used in many community colleges and universities. However, engaging in-person and online synchronous and asynchronous learners can present numerous challenges for faculty. You will see how these courses are designed to facilitate student success.