1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

Moving the Needle: Why Best Practices for Online Teaching Matter

Presenter: IIze Nix, OLAG

Audience: Faculty, Staff, Administrators

Join Zoom Meeting: https://ccp.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUrce-uqT8oHNHfk8cEXs1kCDWopwPIW_SF

Learning Goals

Participants will:

  • Learn best practices for online teaching and learning

Seminar Description

Online courses are by no means new to any of us. Yet Covid forced us all to become online teachers, whether we wanted to, or not; was ready for it, or not. "The pandemic forced higher education institutions to cope with the urgent, rather than the important (Marmolejo & Groccia, 2022)." As the urgency of needing courses online, and faculty to teach them, is decreasing, the question of what is important in an online course remains. What does a quality online course truly entail? The need exists to re-examine the evidence that showcases what the important 'Best Practices' in online courses are and why they matter. Join faculty from the Online Learning Advisory Group (OLAG) as we share what we have come to understand about the Technology, Design, Pedagogy, and DEI ways that 'move the needle' on student success in an online course.