2:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Connections Across Cultures and Borders: International Education Events Spring 2023

Presenter: David Prejsnar

Audience: Faculty, Staff, Administrators

Join Zoom Meeting: https://ccp.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEtf-6spj0oHNZvInS3ZKGJQlm8916A4CGR


Learning Goals

Participants will:

  • Learn about the Center for International Understanding, and share ideas on international education and global diversity at the College.
  • Learn about new and ongoing international faculty/curriculum development projects at the College and opportunities to build connections across cultures and across borders.
  • Discuss ideas for assessing global learning and competency in the context of the General Education and the Academic Pathways.
  • Share ideas for the spring International Festival (April 2023) and suggest possible speakers, events.

Seminar Description

The Center for International Understanding is one of three "Centers of Excellence" at the College. The objectives of the Center include engaging faculty in research on and integration of international material into the curriculum, building partnerships that support global learning and understanding, and supporting co-curricular activities that engage students in international learning. This session will provide information on opportunities to engage in faculty and curriculum development opportunities across academic pathways during spring 2023, including lectures and faculty development for various world areas including South Asia and Korea. The session will also share information and solicit ideas for events for the International Festival (April 2023.) All faculty, staff and administrators are invited. Please come and share your questions, ideas, and suggestions!