The Latinx Network - A New Way to Promote Latinx Faculty and Staff Success

Presenters: Sandra Gonzalez-Torres, Nancy Ramirez, Maritza Rodriquez, Juan Suarez Romero
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Administrators 

Learning Goals

Participants will:

  • Gather any CCP employee who identifies as Latinx and/or who is interested in Latinx issues.
  • Identify the needs of CCP Latinx employees and students.
  • Outline how this group can help meet these needs.
  • Energize attendees to participate and join this new group.

Seminar Description
In all things, it is healthier to help others after we first take care of ourselves. And while we do not seek perfection, there is much we can do to develop kindness, catalyze connection and promote success for CCP Latinex employees so that they may, in turn, do the same for Latinx and all other CCP students.

As such, we introduce the College community to the new Latinx Network with a mission “To establish a foundation and network of support for Latinx employees at the College.”

In this session, we will explore the needs of this community and ways we can begin to address these!
(And later, join us for a social gathering to celebrate our Latiness!)