Purposeful Kindness: Building a Happy Community

Presenter: Gayathri Banavara 

Audience: Faculty, Staff, Administrators 

Hybrid: Bonnell, BR-46: https://ccp.zoom.us/j/96202060253  

Learning Goals 

Participants will: 

  • Learn the meaning and value of purposeful kindness. 

  • Explore effective ways to practice purposeful kindness. 

Seminar Description 

Kindness is more than behavior. It is harboring a helpful spirit without an expectation of reward. The act of being kind is often simple, free, positive, and healthy. Purposeful kindness is the practice of being kind intentionally, being conscious of the environment and energy you are surrounded by that helps build a happy and positive environment. Random acts of kindness are important and a good beginning, but when we intentionally create a practice of purposeful kindness in our everyday life that cascades through people, changing the culture of the workplace along the way, we strive to establish an inclusive, respectful and engaging community that is happy.