Carebridge Stress Check-In: Reducing Stress Through Acts of Kindness

Presenters: Koi Stevens, Anthony Granberry 

Audience: Faculty, Staff, Administrators 

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A major component of achieving fulfillment in our lives is being connected to people and ideas that bring us meaning and purpose. Where do we find the energy and motivation to schedule such connections into our daily lives?  

Learning Goals 

Participants will: 

  • This training will identify the roles, people, and ideas which enrich our lives and revitalize our energy. The fundamentals of time management will be used to create a plan for improving your connections at work and in our personal life. 

Seminar Description 

Participants will develop an understanding of the importance of human connection in promoting resiliency; explore ways to increase connection with family, friends, and community; learn strategies to maintain the time commitment required for rejuvenating 
through meaningful activities; and will discover time management skills that prioritize “connecting.”