“I’m Afraid I’ll Be Teaching Myself:” The Importance of Creating Community in Online Classes

Presenters: IIze Nix, Melissa Altman-Traub, Dr. Girija Nagaswami, Dr. Davido Dupree
Audience: Faculty
Join Zoom Meeting: https://ccp.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMqfu6ppz8pGdVAzsarssSvG7nv6XT9bg0_

Learning Goals

Participants will:

  • Learn best practices for humanizing online courses

Seminar Description

As humans, we are inherently social, looking for connection and interaction around us. It should be no surprise to us then that connections in a classroom can be a powerful part of learning. Yet, in an online classroom, it often seems harder to connect to students as more than just their names on a screen, or an introduction post. Research and conversations around online teaching has highlighted the importance of building community and faculty presence as ways to humanize the online learning environment, deliberately and intentionally. Findings suggest that “Humanized learning increases the relevance of content and improves students' motivation to log-in week-after-week; … they are more likely to be motivated, be satisfied with their learning, and succeed in achieving the course objectives (Pacansky-Brock, 2022).” Join faculty as we discuss some of the suggestions Flower Darby shares in the book Small Teaching Online and the practical ways in which we implement these into our online classroom.