White Privilege Session 1: What Is White Privilige?

Presenters: Rainah Chambliss, Mary Hoeffel, Elisa McCool 

Audience: Faculty, Staff, Administrators

Registration link: https://ccp.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0tduyorjwoHtR6jnzCaXMXW7ojKy0LLqQW

Program Description

The term ‘white privilege’ comes up a lot, but what exactly does it mean, and why can it be so hard for white people to talk about? Come discuss ways to understand whiteness, privilege, the roles they play in perpetuating racism, and what white people can do to break that cycle and combat the injustices we see and take meaningful action against them. Our session will focus on ways that white faculty and staff and administrators grapple with these concerns as well as develop strategies for recognizing and managing the difficult emotions that sometimes arise when discussing race in order to become better listeners, educators, and anti-racist allies, and to more effectively support diversity initiatives on campus. All faculty, staff and administrators at the college are welcome.