Introducing Institutional Effectiveness

Presenters: Lizzie Gordon, Sean Morris, Jimmy Salfiti
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Administrators

Join Zoom Meeting:

Passcode: 889107

Learning Goals

  • Participants will understand the functions, scope, recent accomplishments, and coming initiatives of the newly-formed Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Program Description

With the formation of the Division of Enrollment Management and Strategic Communications, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness was formally established in April 2021 to integrate institutional research, assessment and evaluation to further the College's capacity for data-driven decisions and continuous improvement in support of the College mission, vision and goals. Come to this session for a re-introduction to the folks you may know already, and an introduction to our new unit. We will go over the major functions of our office, make sure you know how to get in touch with us, and share recent updates and upcoming projects.