Fostering Career Engagement and Employability Outcomes for Students: Leveraging Faculty and Career Connections

Presenters: Ayanna Washington, Beverly Halsey, Nick Miller, Kari Scott, Khadeshia Edens, Alexis Mercado

Audience: Faculty, Staff, Administrators

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Passcode: 884736

Learning Goals

Participants will:

  • Outline a roadmap for Career Connections and faculty to collectively empower students to take charge of their career development and employability
  • Establish a holistic approach to career readiness for students through proactive skill development in and/out of the classroom.
  • Present the top 8 NACE Competencies that employers are looking for in college graduates and identify innovative ways to equip our students with these skills.

Program Description

Career readiness, the new career currency, is a foundation that gives college students the opportunity to demonstrate requisite core competencies that broadly prepares them for success in the workplace and lifelong career management. For new college graduates, career readiness is key to ensuring successful entrance into the workforce. To ensure that we can curate our student's success and preparedness in the workplace, Career Connections, faculty and staff need to collaborate to discuss ways to help CCP students compete against their peers across the City and beyond to meet the talent pipeline goals of employers across the region