ESL Liaison: The What, The Why and The How

Presenter: Talar Kaloustian 
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Administrators

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Passcode: 669503

Learning Goals 

Participants will:

  • Learn about this relatively new position at CCP
  • Learn why an ESL Liaison is necessary at CCP
  • Learn he ways in which the ESL Liaison can support faculty, staff and departments across the College

Program Description 

The ESL Liaison is a relatively new and little-known position at CCP. This session will introduce participants to the role, describe the rationale for such a position, and lay out all the ways the ESL Liaison can support the College in meeting ESL student needs. Throughout the session, there will be one brainstorming activity on all the ways participants would be able to benefit from the ESL Liaison, and one group discussion activity on how to build a more solid infrastructural support system through this new role.