“Why can't I learn from this Professor?" Putting trauma in our curricula and students' explanations of their academic trauma coping

Presenter: Davido Dupree 
Audience: Faculty
Join Zoom Meeting: https://ccp.zoom.us/j/91033736201?pwd=eVR5YXVQNWxWM0E2NkIxL3E5cFRpQT09
Passcode: 022322

Learning Goals

Participants will:

  • Understand how trauma was explicitly addressed in a Child Psychology course as a psychoeducational approach to support self-understanding and self-regulation
  • Understand how students believe post-traumatic symptoms influence academic performance
  • Understand students' potential coping strategies when their learning is undermined by the symptoms of trauma

Program Description

Discuss how PTSD is defined and the five sets of criteria used for its diagnosis. Will also discuss a study designed to explore the effects of PTSD on academic performance.  We will embark upon a discussion to allow faculty to talk about how they recognize the effects of trauma in their classrooms and generate ideas about how we, as faculty, can explicitly acknowledge trauma in our curricula and promote better self-regulated learning among our students.