10:15 AM to 11:15 AM

Assessment Tuesday: Strategies to close the loop – Documenting the Use of Data for Improvement

Presenter: Lizzie Gordon
Audience: Faculty, Administrators
Registration link: https://ccp.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJctf--hrjorG9OxY_4XU73h69hMHFx2qBz_

Learning Goals
Participants will be able to:

  • Explain the meaning behind the phrase “close the loop”
  • Describe a method for troubleshooting assessment data to determine appropriate interventions and/or strategies for improvement
  • Understand the purpose and importance of documenting interventions & efforts to close the loop, and their effects

Program Description
The use of assessment data for continuous improvement is an essential component to all good assessment, and the phrase “closing the loop” isn’t going away anytime soon. But how exactly is that loop supposed to get closed, and what on earth is a “double loop”? Please join the Office of Assessment and Evaluation for a discussion on troubleshooting tactics, strategies for closing the loop, and ideas on documentation of your loop-closing for assessment reporting and accreditation.