General Education Critical Thinking Part I: Rubric Norming Workshop


Elizabeth Gordon, Teresa Frizell




Klein Cube, P2-3

Learning Goals:

Participants will understand the value and application of Institutional General Education Rubrics in General Education Assessment.

Participants will understand the generation, collection, and analysis of General Education Assessment data.

Program Description:

Faculty are invited to join us for a 1-day Critical Thinking General Education assessment workshop. The day will begin with a Rubric Norming Workshop using CCP’s Critical Thinking rubric. Elizabeth Gordon from the Office of Assessment and Evaluation will lead a set of facilitated discussions designed to guide participants in how to apply the rubric consistently and to minimize subjectivity in rubric scoring.  We will apply the rubric in several different contexts and reach agreement in rating practices.

The second half of the day will be the Rating Summit. Each participant will rate a random selection of student work artifacts collected and anonymized in Fall 2019. This process will generate the data needed to analyze and make claims about the overall state of student achievement (performance) in the area of Critical Thinking.  Participating in both halves of the day is critical to the collection of reliable assessment data for the College and will be an invaluable opportunity to deepen your understanding of rubrics and general education assessment.

Administrative staff with rubric-related experience are also welcome.

As this is an all-day session, breakfast and lunch will be provided.