11:00 AM to 12:00 PM


Hosted by: Division of Student Development, Special Events & Community Relations

In this series, we ask the college community and the general public to join us for an unfiltered conversation to examine new ideas and solutions to address inequalities in within the black and brown communities. Specific focus will be given to healthcare disparities and the current climate in America and the how the privilege of some creates injustice for so many.  Education and research must be part of the solution for change, and we as individuals, must band together and commit to act. 
Enough is Enough; Community College of Philadelphia stands together in solidarity and as we move forward in discussing action steps, we want to address as many areas as possible that perpetuate systemic racism as possible.  The COVID-19 vaccination is an important topic that affects many communities.  Discussing, educating, and working toward fact-based decisions is the goal of the session.  How do we remove those systems and ideologies within healthcare that leave us feeling skeptical and unwilling to take the necessary steps that could potentially rid our nation of COVID-19?  What are the fact & myths, and protocols in place to protect us if we take the vaccine? What are the pros/cons, benefits, liabilities, biggest questions, and major concerns?   Because we have a diverse student body, our speaker will also address the city at large and the impact this vaccine could have on recreating some since of normalcy. 

Online Location: https://ccp.zoom.us/j/99792257656?pwd=Y2Z0NE54R3czOW5qczBxNFFRRm9OQT09

Additional Information can be found at: https://prideportal.ccp.edu/event/6701676