12:00 PM to 12:30 PM

Expression Session: Violence Against the Transgender Community

Enough is Enough! Violence against the Trans Community has been on the rise, and 2020 has been one of the deadliest years on record for transgender and nonbinary people. Trans women of color, especially Black trans women, experience disproportionate levels of violence, and make up the majority of trans murder victims. So when we say Black Lives Matter, we need to be sure we talk about all black lives, and that includes Black Trans Lives!

Join us for a virtual Teach-In (7/30 from 11am-12pm) with some amazing local trans activists, as we discuss the impact of transphobia, misogyny, and racism on our community. Hear firsthand from those who have committed to being an ally as well as those who support and educate others on impactful allyship. Education and training can and must be part of the solution for change, and we as individuals must band together and commit to act.

Immediately following the Teach-In, we invite the College community – and in particular, our students – to our third Expression Session – a safe space for you to share your thoughts and feelings. To aid in this, College staff – including our counselors – will be a part of this critical session. All participants will be muted upon entry until the breakout room portion of the program, where everyone will be able to process and participate in small group discussions while adhering to our shared ground rules.


Join Our Conversation

To join the Expression Session, click the above link or dial in on July 30 at 12 p.m. To dial in, call 646-558-8656 and enter the following meeting ID: 948 0291 9356.

This session is a safe space and will not be recorded.

