Diversity Certificate Program: What do B, T, and Q Stand for? Towards an Inclusive Climate for Bisexual, Trans, and Genderqueer/non-binary Members of the College

In Risk and Retention: Are LGBTQ Students Staying in Your Community College? Sanlo and Espinoza (2012) draw attention to the high rate at which LGBTQ+ students face adjustment failure, social isolation, and the chronic stress of discrimination and harassment on Community College campuses. For less recognizable and visible members of the LGBTQ+ community like bisexual, trans, and genderqueer/gender non-binary students, establishing a sense of identity and belonging on college campuses can be especially difficult due to unintentional microaggressions and a heteronormative college climate (Zamani-Gallaher and Choudhuri, 2011; BrckaLorenz et al., 2017). Stereotypes, microaggressions, pronouns, and gender-inclusive bathrooms are only a few of the issues facing bisexual, trans, and genderqueer students.  

Combining research, personal experience, and discussion, this workshop aims to make visible the microaggressions and heteronormative climate that LGBTQ+ students and members of the College experience as well as the effects on mental health. I will draw special attention to the research on and experiences of bisexual, trans, and gender non-conforming students, who encounter misunderstanding and discrimination from both heterosexuals and members of their own (and my own) community. I will conclude by offering practical strategies and resources for making classrooms and other academic spaces more welcoming and inclusive for LGBTQ+ students and members of the College. Please bring your phones for an interactive Kahoot survey.

Presenter: En Davis
Location: S2-3