March 26 Negotiations Update

The College and Faculty and Staff Federation have reached a tentative agreement that avoids a strike. Classes, work and activities will be held as scheduled.

Temple University - Associate in Science in Biology to Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Biology (Spring 2018, 2018 - 2019, 2019 - 2020)

Community College of Philadelphia Program: Associate in Science in Biology
Catalog Years: Spring 2018, 2018 - 2019, 2019 - 2020
Transfer School: Temple University
Bachelor Program: Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Biology


Transfer guides are created and maintained to help students and staff make appropriate course and program choices. The guides show how the requirements for the appropriate Community College of Philadelphia associate degree transfer to the bachelor's institution. It is, however, possible for program requirements at Community College of Philadelphia or the transfer institution to change without advanced notice.

Students are advised to visit with a Community College of Philadelphia academic advisor or counselor for further assistance. To schedule an appointment with an academic advisor, login to MyCCP for the Starfish Connect appointment system, call 215-751-8777 or stop by BG-12 on Main Campus. To schedule an appointment with a counselor, call 215-751-8169, email or stop by BG-7 on Main Campus. Academic advisors and counselors are also available at the Regional Centers.

General Information:

This guide outlines how the Community College of Philadelphia’s Associate in Science (A.S.) in Biology transfers to the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor of Science in Biology (B.S) at Temple University. This guide reflects the requirement for the A.S. in Biology in the Spring 2018 and 2018-2019 College catalogs. The A.S. in Biology qualifies for the Temple University Dual Admissions Agreement. A grade of “C” or higher is needed for courses to transfer. Completion of the A.S. leads to junior standing in the B.A. or B.S. at Temple University. 

Students who earn the A.S. in Biology qualify for the Gen Ed to Gen Ed agreement. Temple University agrees to accept the General Education embedded in Community College of Philadelphia’s Associate in Arts (A.A.) or Associate in Science (A.S.) degree as meeting all the requirements of its undergraduate General Education requirements except for two writing intensive courses to be completed at Temple University.

Transfer guides are created and maintained to help students and staff make appropriate course and program choices. The guides show how the requirements for the appropriate Community College of Philadelphia associate degree transfer to the bachelor's institution. It is, however, possible for program requirements at Community College of Philadelphia or the transfer institution to change without advanced notice.

For information concerning transfer please schedule an appointment to visit a Community College of Philadelphia academic advisor or counselor. Students are also welcome to contact the transfer institution directly.

Semester Credits:

First Semester

CCP CourseCCP CreditsTemple Equivalent CourseCredits
CHEM 121 - College Chemistry I4CHEM 1031/1033 General Chemistry I and Lab4
CIS 103 - Applied Computer Technology3CIS Elective3
ENGL 101 - English Composition I3ENGL 0802 Analytic Reading and Writing3
MATH 162 – Pre Calculus II3MATH 1022 Precalculus3
SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology3SOC 1176 Intro to Sociology3

Second Semester

CCP CourseCCP CreditsTemple Equivalent CourseCredits
BIOL 123 - Principles of Biology I4BIOL 2112 Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology4
CHEM 122 - College Chemistry II4CHEM 1032/1034 General Chemistry II and Lab4
ENGL 102 - The Research Paper3English Elective3
FREN 101 - Introductory French or
HUM 101 - Cultural Traditions or
SPAN 101 - Elementary Spanish
3FREN 1001 Intro to French I
IH 0851 Intellectual Heritage
SPAN 1001 Intro to Spanish I
PSYC 101 - Introduction to Psychology3PSY 1001 Introduction to Psychology3

Third Semester

CCP CourseCCP CreditsTemple Equivalent CourseCredits
BIOL 124 - Principles of Biology II4BIOL 1111 Introduction to Organismal Biology4
CHEM 221 - Organic Chemistry I5CHEM 2201 and 2203 Organic Chemistry I and Lab4+ 1 elective
MATH 171 - Calculus I4MATH 1041 Calculus I4
BIOL 211 – Genetics (not recommended) or
BIOL 241 - Principles of Microbiology or
BIOL 281 - Biochemistry I
BIOL 225 - Ecology and Field Biology
4CCP's Genetics course will transfer BUT will students will still NEED TO TAKE Temple's BIOL 2203 Genetics upon transfer.
BIOL 2001 Clinical Microbiology
CHEM 3401 Applications of Biochemistry
BIOL 2227 Principles of Ecology

Fourth Semester

CCP CourseCCP CreditsTemple Equivalent CourseCredits
CHEM 222 - Organic Chemistry II5CHEM 2202 and 2204 Organic Chemistry II4 + 1 elective
ENGL 115 - Public Speaking3CSI 1111 Public Speaking3
BIOL 211 – Genetics (not recommended) or
BIOL 241 - Principles of Microbiology or
BIOL 281 - Biochemistry I
BIOL 225 - Ecology and Field Biology
4CCP's Genetics course will transfer BUT will students will still NEED TO TAKE Temple's BIOL 2203 Genetics upon transfer.
BIOL 2001 Clinical Microbiology
CHEM 3401 Applications of Biochemistry
BIOL 2227 Principles of Ecology
PHIL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy3PHIL 1101 Intro to Philosophy3

Community College of Philadelphia Minimum Credits to Graduate: 65
Equivalent Temple University Credits: 65


Requirements above reflect those for the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.). The Bachelor of Science(B.S.) requires three additional upper level biology electives:

Additional requirements: 

  • 45 Upper Level (2000+) credits within the College of Science & Technology (CST) or the College of Liberal Arts (CLA). 
  • 90 credits within the College of Science & Technology (CST) or the College of Liberal Arts (CLA). 
  • Two (2) Upper Level (2000+) Liberal Art courses.
  • Second (2nd) Level of a Foreign Language (1002) required for B.A.

Community College of Philadelphiacourses that transfer for Temple University courses numbered 2000 and higher count toward the 45 Upper Level credits and most courses students completed at Community College of Philadelphiacount toward the 90 credits in CST or CLA. Students who intend to earn a B.A. can satisfy the foreign language while at Community College of Philadelphia.