Bryn Mawr College - Biology to Biology (2024-2025)

Community College of Philadelphia Program: Biology
Catalog Years: 2024-2025
Transfer School: Bryn Mawr College
Bachelor Program: Biology


Transfer guides are created and maintained to help students and staff make appropriate course and program choices. The guides show how the requirements for the appropriate Community College of Philadelphia associate degree transfer to the bachelor's institution. It is, however, possible for program requirements at Community College of Philadelphia or the transfer institution to change without advanced notice.

Students are advised to visit with a Community College of Philadelphia academic advisor or counselor for further assistance. To schedule an appointment with an academic advisor, login to MyCCP for the Starfish Connect appointment system, call 215-751-8777 or stop by BG-12 on Main Campus. To schedule an appointment with a counselor, call 215-751-8169, email or stop by BG-7 on Main Campus. Academic advisors and counselors are also available at the Regional Centers.

General Information:

This transfer guide was developed in support of the Core-to-Core and Program-to-Program transfer articulation Agreement and between Community College of Philadelphia and Bryn Mawr College. It shows how the Associate in Arts (A.S.) in Biology at Community College of Philadelphia transfers to the “Artium Baccalaureus” (A.B.) (Latin for Bachelor of Arts) in Biology at Bryn Mawr College and then shows the remaining requirements at Bryn Mawr College. 

Completion of the A.S. in Biology as described in this guide leads to junior standing in the A.B. at Bryn Mawr College. 

At Bryn Mawr College, students must earn a total of 32 “units” to complete the A.B. degree. Each Bryn Mawr College course is equivalent to one unit; thus 32 units is equivalent to 128 Community College of Philadelphia semester hours/credits. To receive transfer credit, courses must be completed with a grade of C or better although the associate degree must be completed with a minimum 3.6 cumulative GPA to be considered for admission into Bryn Mawr College. 

Students who earn an A.A. in Biology will receive 16 units (the equivalent of 4 semesters) and will enter Bryn Mawr College as juniors with four full-time fall and spring semesters remaining. A standard full-time Bryn Mawr College semester course load is four 1-unit courses. Students must complete the remaining 16 units in residence; given this, upon transfer, students pursuing the A.B. in Biology at Bryn Mawr College will take 7 or 8 units in the Biology major. 

Additionally, Bryn Mawr College requires of all transfer students to take two Physical Education electives and satisfy Bryn Mawr College’s swim requirement. 

Transfer guides are created and maintained to help students and staff make appropriate course and program choices. The guides show how the requirements for the appropriate Community College of Philadelphia associate degree transfer to the bachelor's institution. It is, however, possible for program requirements at Community College of Philadelphia or the transfer institution to change without advanced notice. 

For information concerning transfer please schedule an appointment to visit a Community College of Philadelphia academic advisor or counselor. Students are also welcome to contact the transfer institution directly. 

Semester Credits:

First Semester

CCP CourseCCP CreditsBryn Mawar Equivalent Course Credits
CHEM 121 - College Chemistry I  Required Ally for Biology Major and Approaches to Scientific Inquiry (SI) Gen Ed Satisfied 
CIS 103 - Introduction to Information Technology  College elective 
ENGL 101 - English Composition I or 
ENGL 101H - English Composition I (Honors) 
Gen Ed Satisfied (Emily 0001) 
MATH 162 – Pre Calculus II  Quantitative Methods (QM) Gen Ed satisfied. 
SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology or 
SOC 101H - Introduction to Sociology (Honors) 
Cross cultural Analysis (CC) Gen Ed satisfied 

Second Semester

CCP CourseCCP CreditsBryn Mawar Equivalent CourseCredits
BIOL 123 - Principles of Biology I  Required introductory course for Biology Major 
CHEM 122 - College Chemistry II  Required Ally for Biology Major 
ENGL 102 - The Research Paper or 
ENGL 102H - The Research Paper (Honors) 
Critical Interpretation (CI) Gen Ed satisfied. 
World Language Recommended: 
FREN 101 - Introductory French or 
HUM 101 - Cultural Traditions or 
SPAN 101 - Elementary Spanish 
Satisfies the first half of the Foreign Language Requirement - two sequential semester-long courses in the same language 
PSYC 101 - Introduction to Psychology or 
PSYC 101H - Introduction to Psychology (Honors) 
College elective 

Summer Semester (Optional)

CCP CourseCCP CreditsBryn Mawar Equivalent CourseCredits
World Language 102 (French or Spanish)*  Satisfies the second half of the Foreign Language Requirement (two sequential semester-long courses in the same language) 

Third Semester

CCP CourseCCP CreditsBryn Mawar Equivalent CourseCredits
BIOL 124 - Principles of Biology II  Required introductory course for Biology Major 
CHEM 221 - Organic Chemistry I  Elective Ally for Biology Major 
MATH 171 - Calculus I  Elective Ally for Biology Major 
BIOL 211 - Genetics (recommended) or 
BIOL 225 - Ecology and Field Biology or 
BIOL 241 - Principles of Microbiology or 
BIOL 255 - Biotechnology I: Basic Laboratory Techniques in Biotechnology or 
BIOL 256 - Fermentation, Bioprocessing and Biomanufacturing or 
BIOL 281 - Biochemistry I or 
BTT 101 - Biomedical Technician Training Practicum 
Genetics satisfies a 200-level elective for the Biology Major 

Fourth Semester

CCP CourseCCP CreditsBryn Mawar Equivalent CourseCredits
CHEM 222 - Organic Chemistry II  Elective Ally for Biology Major 
ENGL 115 - Public Speaking  College elective 
Choose ONE not already taken:
BIOL 241 - Principles of Microbiology (recommended) 
BIOL 211 – Genetics or 
BIOL 225 - Ecology and Field Biology or 
BIOL 255 - Biotechnology I: Basic Laboratory Techniques in Biotechnology or 
BIOL 256 - Fermentation, Bioprocessing and Biomanufacturing or 
Microbiology satisfies a 200-level elective for the Biology Major 

Community College of Philadelphia Minimum Credits to Graduate: 65
Equivalent Bryn Mawr College Credits: 16

*Recommend students take the second world language the summer after taking the first world language to satisfy Bryn Mawr’s Foreign Language Requirement. Otherwise, students will be required to take a placement test for the language and the placement will determine the start of the language sequence.