Millersville University of Pennsylvania - Criminal Justice to Online Bachelor of Science in Emergency Management (2024-2025)

Community College of Philadelphia Program: Criminal Justice
Catalog Years: 2024-2025
Transfer School: Millersville University of Pennsylvania
Bachelor Program: Online Bachelor of Science in Emergency Management


Transfer guides are created and maintained to help students and staff make appropriate course and program choices. The guides show how the requirements for the appropriate Community College of Philadelphia associate degree transfer to the bachelor's institution. It is, however, possible for program requirements at Community College of Philadelphia or the transfer institution to change without advanced notice.

Students are advised to visit with a Community College of Philadelphia academic advisor or counselor for further assistance. To schedule an appointment with an academic advisor, login to MyCCP for the Starfish Connect appointment system, call 215-751-8777 or stop by BG-12 on Main Campus. To schedule an appointment with a counselor, call 215-751-8169, email or stop by BG-7 on Main Campus. Academic advisors and counselors are also available at the Regional Centers.

General Information:

This transfer guide is developed in support of he Program-to-Program and Core-to-Core Transfer Articulation Agreement between Millersville University of Pennsylvania and Community College of Philadelphia. It shows how the Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) in Criminal Justice from Community College of Philadelphia transfers into the fully online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Emergency Management and the coursework required at Millersville University after transfer.

The A.A.S. in Criminal Justice must be completed with a minimum cumulative Community College of Philadelphia grade point average (GPA) of 2.0. Transfer credit will be awarded for courses with a grade of “C” or above for all courses transferred to Millersville University. Grades of “D” will transfer with the understanding that said courses will not fulfill program requirements where a grade of C- or greater is required. Students are responsible for sending Millersville University official transcripts for evaluation of credit from Community College of Philadelphia or any other attended institutions, including military transcripts. Credit will also be awarded for AP, CLEP, DANTES, etc. with appropriate documentation, per guidelines established by the Transfer Articulation Oversight Committee (TAOC) of the PA Department of Education. Developmental courses are not eligible for transfer.

As a Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) institution, Millersville University recognizes that any student who has earned an associate degree and completed all requirements of the General Education program at the Community College of Philadelphia will receive a waiver of all Millersville University General Education requirements, with the exception of an Advanced Writing requirement Millersville University’s distinctive General Education requirement, if not already completed prior to transfer.

A minimum of 30 credits must be taken at Millersville University to meet residency requirements. The courses listed below are subject to change depending on all courses taken at the Community College of Philadelphia and advisement from the academic advisor. Students must meet a minimum of 120 total credits to complete the undergraduate degree at Millersville University.

Transfer guides are created and maintained to help students and staff make appropriate course and program choices. The guides show how the requirements for the appropriate Community College of Philadelphia associate degree transfer to the bachelor's institution. It is, however, possible for program requirements at Community College of Philadelphia or the transfer institution to change without advanced notice. For questions, please visit a Community College of Philadelphia academic advisor, counselor or a Millersville University representative.

Semester Credits:

First Semester

CCP CourseCCP CreditsMillersville University Equivalent CourseCredits
FYE 101 - First Year Experience 3 UNIV 103-First Year Experience 3
ENGL 101 - English Composition or
ENGL 101H - English Composition I (Honors)
3 ENGL 110-English Composition 3
JUS 101 - Survey of Justice 3 SOCY 1XX- Survey of Justice 3
SOC 101 - Intro to Sociology or
SOC 101H - Introduction to Sociology (Honors)
3 SOCY 101- Intro to Sociology 3
JUS 131 - Technology in Criminal Justice 3 SOCY 1X3- Technology in Criminal Justice 3

Second Semester

CCP CourseCCP CreditsMillersville University Equivalent CourseCredits
ENGL 102 - The Research Paper or
ENGL 102H - The Research Paper (Honors)
3 ENGL 1XX-English Composition II 3
PSYC 101 - Intro to Psychology or
PSYC 101H - Introduction to Psychology (Honors) or
PSYC 222 - Forensic Psychology
3 PSYC 100- Intro to Psychology or
PSYC 2X2- Forensic Psychology
JUS 122 - Race and Justice 3 SOCY 12X- Race & Justice 3
MATH 150 - Introductory Data Analysis or
FNMT 118 - Intermediate Algebra
3 MATH 1X5- Intro Data Analysis 3
JUS 171 - Juvenile Justice 3 SOCY 1XX- Juvenile Justice 3

Third Semester

CCP CourseCCP Credits Millersville University Equivalent CourseCredits
JUS 241 - Criminal Law 3 SOCY 2XX- Criminal Law 3
JUS 191 - Victimology and Trauma 3 SOCY 1X9- Victimology and Trauma 3
Choose ONE Criminal Justice Elective:
Any Criminal Justice (JUS) course or
DF 101 - Introduction to Digital Forensics
3 SOCY course or
SOCY 11X- Introduction to Digital Forensics
BIOL 104 - Forensic Biology or
EASC 111 - Environmental Conservation I or
EASC 111H - Environmental Conservation (Honors)
3 or 4 BIOL 14X- Forensic Biology or
ESCI 1XX- Environmental Conservation
3 / 4
ENGL 115 - Public Speaking or
ENGL 116 - Interpersonal Communication or
ENGL 118 - Intercultural Communication or
3 COMM 100-Fundamentals of Speech,
COMM 217- Interpersonal Communication, or
COMM 317- Intercultural Communication

Fourth Semester

CCP Course CCP Credits Millersville University Equivalent Course Credits
JUS 291 - Contemporary Issues in Justice 3 SOCY 2XX- Contemporary Issues in Justice 3
BLAS 101 - Introduction to Black Studies or
BHHS 121 Addiction Studies or
DF 201 Digital Forensics II or
POLS 111 American Government or
POLS 111H - American Government (Honors) or
World Language
3 AFAM 1X1- Intro to Black Studies,
SOWK 211- Alcoholism: Multi-disciplinary,
SOCY 21X- Digital Forensics II, or
GOVT 111 American Government or
World Language
Choose TWO Criminal Justice Electives:
JUS 298 - Criminal Justice Internship or
Any Criminal Justice (JUS) course and/or
DF 101 Introduction to Digital Forensics
6 SOCY 2X9- Crim Just Internship,
Any SOCY course, and/or
SOCY 11X-Intro Digital Forensics
SOC 215 Criminology 3 SOCY 230- Criminology 3

Community College of Philadelphia Minimum Credits to Graduate: 60
Equivalent Millersville University Credits: 60