Transfer Agreements are agreements between Community College of Philadelphia and four-year colleges that specify how and when you can transfer your associate degree. Many of these four-year colleges are local or regional.
Site Section: Transfer Opportunities, Transfer Agreements
The following agreements are made between Community College of Philadelphia and the partnering Institution.
Site Section: Transfer Agreements
Community College of Philadelphia and Drexel University have entered into a Program-to-Program Transfer Agreement to facilitate the transfer of students who earn an Associate in Arts in Education: Early Childhood (Birth to 4th Grade).
Site Section: Transfer Agreements
Following are answers to some of the most common questions students have about transfer.
Site Section: Transfer Opportunities
Site Section: Transfer Agreements
Site Section: Transfer Agreements
Site Section: Transfer Agreements
Site Section: Transfer Agreements
Site Section: Transfer Agreements
Site Section: Transfer Agreements
Site Section: Transfer Agreements
Site Section: Transfer Agreements, Transfer Opportunities
Site Section: Transfer Agreements
Site Section: Transfer Agreements