12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Voter Registration Volunteer Training with #CCPVotes

Join #CCPVotes for a voter registration training! Whether you're planning to volunteer with #CCPVotes this semester or register voters in your own community, this session is open to students, faculty and staff at the College who want to learn how to register new voters and answer basic questions about voting.
During the training session we will cover the following topics: 
- How to fill out voter registration forms properly
- Tips and best practices for tabling effectively
- Answer to basic voting questions 
- How to find your polling place
- And more!
The training session will be held virtually on Tuesday, March 18 from 12-1pm and will be recorded for playback. To attend the training please RSVP on the Pride Portal. Reach out to Olivia Edwards, Community Engagement Specialist, at if you have questions. 
**Please RSVP by 11:30am on 3/18 so we can ensure you receive the Zoom link in advance of the session.

Hosted by: Institute for Community Engagement and Civic Leadership

Additional Information can be found at: