Queer Performance: How to Be A Gender Cannibal

John Jarboe (she/her), the Artistic Director of the Bearded Ladies Cabaret, will lead a 2 hour workshop exploring tools and tactics for creating and sharing performance. Jarboe, a transfemme drag performer, recently debuted a piece at FringeArts and Under the Radar called Rose: You Are Who You Eat, which explores their gender journey through the lens of cannibalism and a vanishing twin. Jarboe will draw on the approaches they developed for this piece and throughout their 13 years as the founding leader of The Bearded Ladies, with a focus on nurturing the work of the workshop practitioners.
Come prepared to write, move, and play. Come with ideas of pieces you are working on or questions about creation for theater and film.

Hosted by: MarcDavid LGBTQ Center, Queer Student Union, Theater Program

Additional Information can be found at: https://prideportal.ccp.edu/event/9919307