In attendance:
Jane Grosset, John Moore, Alison Watts, Carol Whitney, Dawn Sinnot, Ellen Fernberger, Joan Bush, Judy Gay, Kristina Henk, Ronald Jackson, Samuel Hirsch, Sharon Thompson, Jody Bauer, Todd Murphy, Jason Popp
1. Welcome and Introductions
John Moore stepping in as new co-chair. Sharon Thompson will remain on committee. Jason Popp attending as expert on IWAC Library.
2. Review of May 17th and September 12 Meeting Minutes
Paper copies were distributed. If there are any edits, please forward them to Jane or John.
3. Preview of Assessment Website
Presentation of Website:
A discussion was had about the relation between this website and the Middle States Website and drop boxes. It was determined that the drop boxes were for individual working committee use. However, there should be mutual links between the Middle States site and the IWAC site.
Another discussion was had about places that should link to this website. Consensus was that it should be widely distributed. Suggestions included: College Planning Channel, College Initiatives Channel, Academic Assessment Home
Page, Institutional Research Home Page, Academic Affairs Home Page, the current Budget Tab, and the “what’s new” tab. It was decided that notification about the page going public would come out from the committee and that individual committee members would also assist in getting the word out at their regular meetings.
After a discussion about how public data on the assessment site/assessment library should be, it was determined that members would look through their submitted reports and if there was anything they would like to not have on the public site, they should forward that to Jane or John for review by Friday, March
Finally, the issue of data discrepancies was briefly discussed. If individuals have a question about data, that would be directed to the committee chairs, who will investigate and make changes/additional notes as necessary.
4. Assessment Library
Maintenance Schedule: It was decided that the Library would be updated twice a year just after the end of the Fall and Spring Semesters. Reminders to begin uploading data would be sent out midsemester.
Submission Process: The current submission process was reviewed. Suggestions for streamlining that process should be forwarded to committee chairs.
5. CPP/School District Data Exchange
The current status of the proposal for an open exchange of data between CCP and the School District was discussed. What data would be part of the exchange has not been decided yet. Academic affairs should review the current proposal and determine any additional data items that might be included. Update will follow at next IWAC meeting.
6. Strategic Planning Update
Parts of the process were reviewed for the group. The goals for the strategic plan and the current budgeting process are to make more clear to the casual observer the relationship between the Strategic Plan and the Budgeting Process. IT has developed structures online for better linking during the request process.
Performance measures for each goal in the strategic plan will need to be included if budget requests relate to it.
Information about this will be sent to the committee once completed.
7. Spring Semester Surveys
Just for your information the following surveys will be distributed during the remained of the Spring Semester:
Community College Survey of Student Engagement
Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Survey
Survey of Graduates
Middle States Faculty Survey