December 18, 2017 through January 12, 2018
You don’t need to take a break from earning credits over winter break. When you take a class over winter break you can accelerate your path to a degree.
Site Section: MyCCP
The academic year begins in September and ends in August of the following year. The major semesters, fall and spring, are 15 weeks in length. The fall semester begins in September, and the spring semester begins in January.
Site Section: Student Handbook
Site Section: Counseling
Registration Dates
New Online Registration Instructions
Site Section: Records and Registration
Financial Aid
Getting Started with Financial Aid at Community College of Philadelphia:
Site Section: Enrollment Information Guide
This month, we're covering:
A Welcome from the Academic Advising Department Head
Tips for a Successful Fall Semester
Upcoming Events and Reminders
Service Spotlight
Site Section: Welcome to the Department of Academic Advising
What is my J number?
Site Section: Counseling
Tax Form 1098-T
Site Section: Paying for College
Site Section: Transfer Agreements
Priority Web Registration
Priority Registration
Site Section: Enrollment Information Guide
Site Section: Transfer Agreements
Fundamental to any successful enrollment management program is developing and implementing an annual recruitment plan. This is not the College’s first recruitment plan. The College previously developed a recruitment plan in 2020.
Site Section: College Planning