3:30 PM to 4:30 PM

#CCPVotes Student Leaders for Civic Action Workshop Series - Session #2: Dispelling Misinformation in An Age of Disinformation

The #CCPVotes Student Leaders for Civic Action is a workshop series designed to equip the college community to engage in the democratic process in an informed and empowered way. The Spring 2024 workshop series will provide non-partisan information about who’s on the ballot, how to identify misinformation and reliable sources, how to get involved in politics, and more. Join us for one, two or all three sessions! Participants who attend all three sessions will receive a certificate of completion from the college. 
The workshops will run from 3:30pm - 4:30pm on Zoom. A Zoom link will be provided to all those who RSVP.
Let us know if you plan to attend by RSVPing to this event on the Pride Portal! You may also contact Olivia Edwards at oedwards@ccp.edu if you have questions.
Session #2 - Dispelling Misinformation in An Age of Disinformation 
In the age of social media and polarized politics, the spread of misinformation is more serious than ever. From political pundits to social media influencers to the news media, how do we get our information and more importantly, how can we be certain that information is trustworthy and true? Join us for an engaging discussion on how we can navigate this age of disinformation, identify reliable sources and become well-informed citizens who are prepared to vote.  
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://ccp.zoom.us/j/96649912122
Meeting ID: 966 4991 2122
One tap mobile+13017158592,,96649912122# US (Washington DC)+13052241968,,96649912122# US

Hosted by: Institute for Community Engagement and Civic Leadership

Online Location: https://ccp.zoom.us/j/96649912122

Additional Information can be found at: https://prideportal.ccp.edu/event/9966608